New Horizons:Game Memory

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Object Position

ModelResLoader Object Position Example.pngModelResLoader Object Position Example 2.png

With ModelResLoader as our base (155AF3DC674), the object's position lives base-15C, or 155AF3DC518.

Cheat Engine Memory View of ModelResLoader Object Position

Object Scale

ModelResLoader Object Scale Example.png

With ModelResLoader as our base, (155AF3DC674), the object’s scale is base+1ABC , or 155AF3DE130. ModelResLoader Object Scale.png



Something about the Structure/Filters (there are several in memory) have a pointer to the different StructureParams

StructureParams Unknown.png

[nb 1] [nb 2]
AC 09 2B 99 20 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 53 74 72 75 63 74 75 72 65 50 61 72 61 6D 73

StructureParam Pointer.png



As NPCs / Villagers move around, their internal state includes the action/animation they are currently performing. cSitOnGround, cWalk, cWait, etc.

NPC States Demo.gif

In memory view of an NPC's current state



A modified InsectAppearParam that spawns only tarantulas.


Includes all the static parameters in the game in byml format for NpcRoom, Gfx, NpcHouse, Layout, Insect, Seafood, Structure, Fish, Gizmo, ModelBlindLight, Camera, Actor, Weather, Item, Creature, UI, Fg, Npc, Ftr, MuseumStampRackItem, Net, Others.




Description: Controls the max run speed for the player

Pattern: 20 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 50 6C 61 79 65 72 41 63 74 6F 72 00 00 00 00 00

Offset: 768

Type: float


StaticParam Actor PlayerActor mMoveSpeedMax.gif


Description: Controls the max distance between a valley for a player to jump over water

Pattern: 20 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 50 6C 61 79 65 72 41 63 74 6F 72 00 00 00 00 00

Set base to “PlayerActor”

Offset: + 0xD88 - 0x20

Type: float

StaticParam Actor PlayerActor mJumpValleyMaxDist Water.gif


  1. Points to 09AC
  2. 09AC address beginning of StructureParams